Web Links for Duplicate-Bridge Players

American Contract Bridge League -- A huge site with resources for beginners through experts. Some interesting areas to check out include:

Laws of Bridge -- The 1987 and 1997 versions of the official laws of bridge (American and British) with links to explanatory articles.

Ecats Bridge -- News on international tournaments, laws and appeals, plus a good selection of articles and other interesting bridge features. Maintained by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton of the U.K. 

Standard American Yellow Card -- Detailed explanations of conventions used in the "SAYC" system, which is popular among players in online bridge clubs.

How to matchpoint -- A step-by-step guide from Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies on how to figure matchpoints from traveling score slips and interpret the results on recap sheets.

Duplicate movements -- from Baron Barclay. Also available are Alex Groner's instructions for setting up a rainbow individual movement.

Duplicate scoring chart

Online bridge clubs -- Links to okbridge and other clubs where you can play duplicate bridge on the Internet.

Bridge travel -- Links to online booking sites, tournament calendars, a North American club directory and other sites for traveling players.

Bridgetalk.com -- online forums for the discussion of any bridge topic or issue.