Overcalls and Takeout Doubles
General Rules for Overcalls
- A one-level overcall (1C on your right - 1H by you) promises:
1 - A good 5-card or longer suit; AND
2 - At least 9-10+ points. You can overcall 1H with as little as 762 AQ1087 K96 43.A non-jump two-level overcall (1S on your right - 2C, 2D or 2H by you) promises a stronger hand and a 6+-card (or very good 5-card) suit. The stronger your suit, the fewer points you need. If your right-hand-opponent opens 1S, a 2H overcall would show a hand like A6 AJ10973 K96 43.
A jump overcall (1H on your right - 2S, 3C or 3D by you) is a weak bid. It shows a long, strong suit with few, if any, tricks outside (usually around 5-9 pts.) -- a hand like KQ10943 643 Q75 4. (Alternatively, some pairs choose to play a jump overcall as intermediate, showing a 6-card suit and around 12-14 pts.)
A 1NT overcall shows the same strength as an opening 1NT (a balanced 16-18 pts.), but with the additional requirement that you have good stoppers (KQx, Q10xx, AQx, etc.) in the suit your opponent opened.
If you're vulnerable (a game on in the rubber), all overcalls tend to promise more strength because the penalties are greater.
Responding to Partner's Major-Suit Overcall
- Raise partner's major suit if you have fair strength and 3+ card support:
Raise one level with 7-10 pts
Jump-raise with 10-12 pts.
Bid game with 12+ pts.
Bid notrump if you have no fit for partner's major, but good stoppers in the opponent's suit:1NT with 8-11 pts.
2NT with 11-13 pts.
3NT with 13+ pts.Bid a new suit if you have no fit for partner's suit, 9+ pts. and a good 5-card suit of your own.
Pass if you have none of the above.
Responding to Partner's Minor-Suit Overcall
If partner overcalls clubs or diamonds, you can follow the same general rules as above. However, if you have good stoppers in the opponent's suit and invitational or better strength (10+ pts.), you should consider suggesting notrump rather than raising partner's suit. Notrump will often be the easiest game to make, especially if you have at least a partial fit with partner's suit (a doubleton honor, for example).
Responding to a Weak Jump Overcall
Partner's jump overcall is a preempt, so you need a fit and quick tricks (aces and kings) to consider a game. If you're weak or if you lack support for partner's suit, you should usually just pass -- don't try to "rescue" him by suggesting other suits. If you do have a fit (3-card support) and a few tricks, you can make a simple raise below game (raising partner's 2S overcall to 3S, or his 3C overcall to 4C). This raise is meant only to further the preempt, and is not invitational to game. Partner should always pass a simple raise.
General Rules for Takeout Doubles
- If your opponent opens with a suit bid, a double by you promises:
At least opening-bid strength (12+ pts.)
Shortness in the suit the opponent opened.
Support for all unbid suits. Your double forces partner to bid, so you must have at least 3-card length in any suit he will choose. Typical hands for a takeout double of an opponent's 1C opening would be:
KJ76 AQ92 KJ4 65
Q104 AK84 K10432 8The exception: There is one type of hand where you can double without support for all unbid suits. You can start with a double if you have a hand that has one long suit and great strength (17+ pts.) -- the type of hand where you don't want to risk having partner pass a simple overcall of your suit. Your hand and your suit should be strong enough that you could make game if partner has as little as 4-6 pts. and a fit -- a hand like
KJ AQJ1084 AK65 7. To describe this hand, start with a double that forces partner to respond. Then "overrule" partner's choice by freely bidding your heart suit at your next turn.If the opponent opens 1NT , all the suits are unbid, so a double is not for takeout. A double of 1NT is always for penalty, showing 18+ pts. Use this double cautiously. Even if you have a lot of high-card points, you should avoid making a penalty double unless you have have a strong suit to lead.
Responding to Partner's Takeout Double
- If partner doubles an opponent's suit bid, you must respond unless:
The opponent on your right has also entered the bidding, OR
You have a long, strong holding in the opponent's suit and want to "convert" partner's takeout double to a penalty double.
- Respond your longest unbid suit at the level that shows your point-count:
0-8 pts. -- Bid your longest suit at the lowest level possible (1H - DBL - Pass - 1S, 2C or 2D).
8+-11 pts. -- Jump a level in your longest suit to show strength (1H - DBL - Pass - 2S, 3C or 3D).
7-10 pts. -- Bid 1NT if you have good stoppers in the opponent's suit.
11-12 pts. -- Jump to 2NT if you have stoppers in the opponent's suit, but do not have length in an unbid major.
12+ pts. -- Jump to game in your suit or notrump.
What is your response to partner's takeout double after the auction: 1C by LHO -- DBL by partner -- Pass by RHO ?
- J9 9873 K754 632
Bid 1H. You must respond, and with two suits of equal length, you should choose the major.
- K2 QJ93 A986 632
Bid 2H. The jump tells partner that you have fair values (8+ to 11 pts.). If partner has extra strength, this may encourage him to bid a game.
- 982 K4 K1072 Q1082
Bid 1NT. You could also bid 1D, but a 1NT bid is more descriptive (it shows your club stopper) and more encouraging, since it promises at least 7 pts.
- 842 1092 642 Q1073
Bid 1H. You have club stoppers, but your hand is too weak to bid notrump. Your only alternative is a 3-card suit, so try your cheapest major (and pray). Do not panic and pass!
- KQ1084 4 AJ106 743
Bid 4S. With your strong suits and a singleton, this hand is worth much more than its 10 high-card pts. Jump to game to show your great playing strength.
- 104 943 KJ1065 AQ5
Bid 2NT. You have the strength to invite game, but 5D will be a difficult contract to make. With your balanced pattern and good club stoppers, suggest a notrump game instead. If partner has more than a bare minimum, he'll raise to 3NT.
- A4 73 Q85 QJ10975
Pass. This is one of the rare hands where it's right to pass and defend 1C doubled. Your pass "converts" partner's takeout double to a penalty double.