Opening Bids

Quick Tricks:

Evaluating your opening bid

Open virtually ALL hands with 13 or more high-card points. Open a hand with 11 or 12 pts. (or even 10 pts.) if your hand and the conditions meet at least two or three of the following requirements:

S-A1043   H-1096   D- AK92   C-43 -- Open 1D. This is "only" 11 pts., but it has three prime quick tricks.
S-Q106   H-AQ1073   D- KJ76   C-4 -- Open 1H. Just two quick tricks, but good playing strength.
S-QJ6   H-K72   D-Q43   C-A753 -- Pass. This is a "soft" hand with only 1 1/2 quick tricks.

S-AQJ103   H-86   D-A1042   C-32 -- Open 1S.
S-J8643   H-KQ   D-A8   C-Q632 -- Pass.

S-10   H-KQJ85   D-765   C-AJ93 -- Open 1H. You plan to rebid 2C if partner doesn't raise hearts.
S-1032   H-3   D-KQJ1065   C-AJ9 -- Open 1D. You plan to rebid 2D over any response from partner.

S-K1072   H-AJ93   D-4   C-K954 -- Open 1C. If partner responds 1D, you can bid 1H. If he instead bids 11H or 1S, you'll raise to 2.
S-4   H-K43   D-AJ93   C-K9543 -- Pass. You'll have an awkward rebid if partner responds 1S.

S-7   H-K98754   D-A102   C-KJ3 -- Open 1H. You'd hate to have to overcall 2H if your opponent opens 1S.
S-Void   H-KJ10543   D-A102   C-J843 -- Pass. This hand is too weak for a 1-bid and too strong for a 3-bid. You can describe it better by overcalling later.

If you decide your hand is worth an opening bid, stay with the courage of your conviction. Don't "lie" later just to make up for your thin high-card points. Treat your hand as a "real" opener, especially if you find a trump fit.

If you're in third seat (partner has passed):

Be more anxious to open light. You should stretch to open even a 10-11 pt. hand if:

S-KQ1093   H-J4   D-A75   C-987 -- Open 1S.

S-K93   H-10876   D-J98   C-AK3 -- Open 1C and pass partner's response.